Summer Retreat Session: Basic of Water Flow using AR Sandbox

In this activity, students will learn about how water flows over topography using both printed maps and the hands-on Augmented Reality SandBox toolkit. They will first examine a printed map to determine the direction of flow and then they will be asked to use the SandBox to build the same map and answer the questions again. They will use Google Earth to examine the topography and rivers in their maps region. Then they will return together as a group to provide their answers.

Here, you will work as a group aiming to build your topographic map and your river in the Augmented Reality SandBox toolkit. You will, as a group, plan out how to make the same topography and river pattern as seen in your printed map. Your instructor will determine who will go first and second. The lesson below is written as instructions, read each section carefully. Go to the page for your group. 

Watch the video and familiarize yourself with Sandbox 

First go online and view the following YouTube video so you are able to movie the sand to match the topography. Here is the link to the video:

There will be two groups: Team 1 and Team 2, following is the workflow for the teams: 

Team 1

1. Read your map for the area and river. 
2. Work in the SandBox. 
3. Search for river site in Google Earth 

Team 2 

1. Read your map for the area and river. 
2. Search for river site in Google Earth.
3. Work in the SandBox.