Creating your own placemarks, paths and polygons

In this section, you are going to learn how to create your own geographic data in Google Earth. For this example, you will be adding the location of the Arthur Ravenel Bridge and Charleston Riverdogs, you will then trace the area of Folly Beach and add a path between Arthur Ravanel Bridge and Charleston Riverdogs.

Creating a placemark: Arthur Ravenel Bridge

In the top left menu search for Arthur Ravenel Bridge. 
Navigate to the middle of the Arthur Ravenel Bridge. Click the Add Placemark button at the top toolbar. 

This will add a yellow pin to the center of your screen and a new window appears.

Move the pin to the location where you want exactly to place the marker. Fill out the rest of the settings in that box:

- Name: Arthur Ravenel Bridge

- Icon: Change the icon to whatever symbol you'd like. You can add a custom icon by saving any image (jpeg, png)
 to your hard drive and loading it up to the icon gallery.

- View: before you click OK, make sure to change your current view to one facing Charleston. Press the Snapshot 
current view when you are satisfied with your view. Click OK to save all your changes.

- Adding an image: Open the properties dialog. On the Description tab, click on the Add image... button. 
Open a new Internet browser and search for your favorite image of the Golden Gate Bridge. 
Right-click on the image and choose Copy Image Location.
In Google Earth, paste the link into the Image URL box. Click OK to add the link to the image.

Click OK to save your properties changes to your placemark.

Creating a placemark: Charleston Riverdogs Stadium

In the top left menu search for Charleston Riverdogs Stadium. 
Navigate to the middle of the Charleston Riverdogs Stadium. Click the Add Placemark button at the top toolbar. 

This will add a yellow pin to the center of your screen and a new window appears.

Move the pin to the location where you want exactly to place the marker. Fill out the rest of the settings in that box:

- Name: Charleston Riverdogs Stadium

- Icon: Change the icon to whatever symbol you'd like. You can add a custom icon by saving any image (jpeg, png) to your hard drive and loading it up to the icon gallery.

- View: before you click OK, make sure to change your current view to one facing Charleston. Press the Snapshot current view when you are satisfied with your view. Click OK to save all your changes.

- Adding an image: Open the properties dialog. On the Description tab, click on the Add image... button. 
Open a new Internet browser and search for your favorite image of the Charleston Riverdogs Stadium. 
Right-click on the image and choose Copy Image Location.
In Google Earth, paste the link into the Image URL box. Click OK to add the link to the image.

Click OK to save your properties changes to your placemark.

Creating a polygon: Folly Beach

In the top left menu search for Folly Beach. 
Navigate to where Folly Beach is located. To create a polygon, click the Add Polygon button and trace the area of Folly Beach. 
As you can see, the entire area will be underwater when sea level rise is 5 meters. 
Follow these settings:

- Name: Folly Beach

- Description: This is the famous beach in Charleston. 

- Stlye, Color: Change the Color to water blue.

- Altitude: Change the dropdown to Relative to ground and the atitude to 5m.

Click OK to save your changes and then on the polygon on the map that you just created. A pop-up window appears displaying the information you just entered.

- Adding a youtube video: 
In your internet browser, search for a youtube video of Folly Beach and select one. In the youtube page for that video, click Share, Embed.

In Google Earth, open the properties dialog for your polygon. In the Description tab, paste the code.
This is the code:
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Creating a path

In our next step, we want to create a tour that will take us from Charleston Riverdogs to the Arthur Ravenel  Bridge. To do that, we will create a path between both locations.

Click the Add Path button and start tracing a line that starts in Charleston Riverdogs and finishes at the Arthur Ravenel  Bridge.
When you finish, follow this settings:

- Name: Charleston Riverdogs to Arthur Ravenel  Bridge.

- Style. color: change the path to a wide yellow line.

- View: change the snapshot view to have a closer look to the street view.

Click OK to save your changes.

Organize your Places with Folders

In this step , we will a create a folder and organize everything. 

- To add a folder, go to the Add menu and select Folder

- In the New Folder dialog box, type in a name for the folder in the Name field which will be "My Google Earth Project"

- Click OK. Your new folder is added to the Places panel.

- Click-and-drag each place (your placemarks, paths, and polygons) into the folder to organize your project.

Save your project and share with others

Google Earth allows you to save your project to your computer in the .kmz file format.

- Right-click on your project folder, and select Save Place As... or click on the folder and then go to the File menu, and select Save Place As...

- Then Save as: MyGoogleEarthProject

Palak Matta,
Jun 10, 2016, 9:00 AM